“I hope so because if you don’t it might be too late; Jack isn’t exactly known for his mercy” Ed said bluntly.
“Have you taken the tapes to HQ?” Lance asked changing the subject.
“Yes I went this evening”
“Did they find anything at Sandra’s place?” Lance inquired
“Larry and Mac are going there tomorrow” Ed informed him.
“Okay” was Lance’s only response.
“Goodnight but remember you have to move fast” Ed said before leaving and shutting Lance’s door behind him.
Lance thought about what Ed had said and he had to admit his friend was right. Jack was ruthless and there weren’t any length’s he wouldn’t go to get what he wanted. He had already had Sandra killed and Lance was sure he wouldn’t hesitate killing Sheryl when if it came to that. He hoped that Larry and Mac would find something useful when they searched Sandra’s apartment; something that would lead them to the formula. He wished he could just ask Sheryl directly but he couldn’t; how would he explain how he knew so much about her.
He couldn’t explain all that he knew without losing her. He was a man apart. Torn between his heart and his duty. He buried his head in his hands and sighed heavily.
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