“That package” Seth said with an evil smile.
“Is that the taxi driver? What is he doing here?” Sheryl asked in a confused tone.
“Sheryl get away” Renée shouted as she grabbed the door and tried to slam it shut. Seth pushed his way through; he was much stronger than Renée and him the force he had used to push through the door had been so strong that it had caused Renée to fall back and land on the ground.
Sheryl’s first instinct was to run, she started towards her bedroom door but Seth was too quick for her. He grabbed her by the waist and put his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming.
“Close the door or I will snap her neck” he threatened.
Renée of all people knew he meant it. She quickly collected herself from the ground and shut the door.
“I’m going to release you now but no stunts’ he warned Sheryl.
“Listen to him Sheryl” Renée told her desperately knowing how dangerous Seth could be.
Sheryl nodded her head to indicate that she understood. Seth let go of her and she slowly stepped away from him.
“Who are you?” Sheryl asked as fear gripped her. This felt like her first attack except this time she saw the identity of her attacker.
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