Saturday, July 9, 2011

Universal Warriors (Chapter 6, Page 34)

Chapter 6
The next morning Mackenzie got up early, bathed, dressed and then quickly had her breakfast. She could hardly contain her excitement. Larry was coming today. She was finally going to see him after all this time. She had missed him so much, missed his smile, missed the way he chuckled, the way he walked and the way he held her hand. She missed the long walks they took and the occasional picnic they would have.
She wondered how she was going to react when she saw him, was she going to run to him and embrace him or was she going to play it cool and see his reaction first. As much as she missed him, she could not help but wonder if he had changed, could not help but wonder if he’s feelings had grown stronger or if they had faded away. She had to admit, she was a little bit worried at how all this was going to turn out. She knew how she wanted it to be, heaven knows she had played it over and over again in her mind. Thought about it for hours till the point where she could almost see it manifest in the physical.
Sure they kept close contact, calling and emailing, telling each other how unbearable their situation felt. But there were times she could feel them getting distant and this scared her. It scared her so much she could hardly sleep some......

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